Disorientated all day…only by this evening do I feel more sane, more sober, inside, quiet – a sense of disbelief, what did I feel had really happened? Madness on the web…

A strange night, imagining Revelation, as if I were the Beast!

I got my Green Man card today, one that I’d posted to myself on the w/e – even more weird stuff!

Collected The (2inch thick) Homeless Mind – Cesarani on Koestler !!

I can’t believe what I thought last week, about traffic looking after me, about some crap of being important, unusual, a quirky kinda character..?

But I know that things changed again this afternoon at work, they are not what they seem! It was as if my thoughts were being listened to

He knows the robin is singing
Even before he’s heard its voice…

So good for a moment to be free of it all, to return to the normal, the predictable, the everyday…

Blog – Friday 26th February 2016