Creativity. To be inspired, to be moved by art, beauty, winning performance, dance, music, painting, sculpture, writing, even articulating dissent, the human voice, the human body, ecstasy, heights we aspire to…

making connections matter is primarily about creativity – spirit becoming real, bringing ideas (thoughts which seem to come out of thin air) to life. Inspiration arises out of matter (the real, conscious mind, thought) connecting with spirit (the Muse, the source of inspiration) and then spirit itself becoming matter, becoming real through the new idea. Imaginative spirit, bringing ideas to life.

I work to bring ideas to life through poetry. This site displays several of my published and unpublished poems. I also value the power of performance, of theatre, of poetry being brought alive without the written page.

A CD of poems and music (The Place is Skomer) is now available, price £8, including £3 donated to the Wildlife Trust of West and South Wales (which manages Skomer), Greenpeace and Marie Curie Cancer Care. The music is by Steve Anthony and David Walter, if you are interested please email me at

For information on the CD see under Poetry – Poetry & Music CD – The Place is Skomer.

A small pamphlet of selected earlier work (23 poems – see ‘Little Book of Poems’ under Poetry) can also be requested by sending an email to:

Copies are £3 each, and profits will be donated to, and shared equally between, Greenpeace, Amnesty International and the Woodland Trust.

Also you may like to view the Kent andSussex Poetry Society website and request copies of previous folio collections, typically priced at £3 each plus p&p.

Some other poetry sites:

Farrago Poetry Slam:
Poetry Otherwise: Emerson College
The Poetry Society:

Creative thought: poetry, bringing ideas to life…